2024-25 BOARD MINUTES adietrich@fore… Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:09Board Minutes - 2024.09.09
Board Minutes - 2024.09.09Regular Meeting
September 9, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met at the Elementary School Building at 5:15 p.m. for a tour highlighting recent construction projects. They then transitioned to the High School and Middle School Buildings.
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on September 9, 2024 at 6:32 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by the President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Rick Wiley moved to approve the agenda. Beth Clouse seconded the motion Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
High School Principal Ken Baker provided the board with updates on new schedules, facility improvements and needs, Homecoming week plans, and PLT activities.
Elementary School Principal Brad Jones shared information about Hi-5 Fridays, elementary interior improvements, ISASP scores, and future curriculum needs.
Director of Teaching & Learning, Zach Dillavou, provided the board with an update on the INVEST initiative, mentor and mentee program, paraeducator training, and student involvement.
Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports along with a review of the recent financial audit and updated enrollment numbers.
Sup’t Lehmann provided information on and updated with the NCC, the IASB guide, and shared correspondence from the IHSAA regarding commemorating our district for no coach/athlete ejections during the 2023-24 school year.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the August 12, 2024 regular meeting and the August 30, 2024 special meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank requests, employee lane changes, FCEA Seniority List for 2024-25, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Cody Hennigar seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Open Enrollment (Out): Kayson Dirksen, Ella Buffington, Kiley Burnett, Jase Burnett, Janymar Cabrera, Johndariel Cabrera, Jaitana Cabrera, Johnny Finch
Open Enrollment (In): Robert Stone, Ethan Hidalgo, Riley Hidalgo, Neo Ramirez, Faith Minica
Employee Contracts: Samantha Knutson, Day Custodian; Madison Carver, MS Para; Melissa Phillips, Vocal Music accompanist
Employee Contract Adjustments: TLC Payments; Mallory Hartwig - Shared ELL with GHV; Keith Walker, supplemental contract
Employee Resignations: Anna Blair, Communications Director; Janelle Koch, Business Teacher & Volleyball Coach (end of 2024-25 school year); Makenzi Hansen, Para; Boyd Eser, Custodian
In new business, board policies 506.2, 506.2R1, 506.2E1, 506.3, 506.4 with policies 501.9R1, 603.12 being given a second reading. Rick Wiley moved to approve the policies as presented, David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the annual audit agreement with Trustpoint Certified Public Accountants (formerly known as Schnurr & Company LLP) defining their audit services for the fiscal year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve a communications and marketing agreement with KLH Communications and Consulting. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the Off-Campus Work Study Agreements with Waldorf University as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Andrew Fedders moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve an amendment to the previously approved sharing agreement with Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Community School District as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to approve a North Iowa Cooperative Sharing Agreement between North Iowa Community School District and Forest City Community School District for Bowling. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
The Board reviewed the previously assigned committee seats held by each board member and re-aligned to accommodate new member Andrew Fedders and replacing former member Shelby Korth. Rick Wiley moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the updated committee list. Beth Clouse will fill the open position on the Certified Negotiations Committee and Andrew Fedders will fill the open position on the calendar committee . Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
October 14, 2024 meeting topics were discussed. Rick Wiley motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________ Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2024.10.14
Board Minutes - 2024.10.14Regular Meeting
October 14, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on October 14, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Rick Wiley moved to approve the agenda with moving items 6.b. “Print Center Copier Lease” and 6.j. “ Sharing Agreements with Central Springs” to follow the administrative reports due to visitors at the meeting for those discussion items. David Reese seconded the motion Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. Absent: Beth Clouse.
Administrative Reports:
Middle School Principal Sarah Leichsenring provided the board with updates on Tribe Time and Character Strong lessons.
Director of Teaching & Learning, Zach Dillavou along with Instructional Coach Mallory Hartwig provided the board with an update on the literacy curriculum, vision for the program, and the district's personalized ready plan for HS2618 implementation.
Beth Clouse entered the meeting. The time was 7:03 p.m.
Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports.
Sup’t Lehmann provided information on certified enrollment, chronic absenteeism, facilities projects, strategic planning process, youth team facility use, and district Needs assessment.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve an updated print center color copier lease with Access Systems for a five (5) year color printer/copier for $1,012.12 per month. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Open discussion was accepted amongst board members in regard to the continuance of the sharing agreements with the Central Springs Community District. David Reese moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to notify the Central Springs Community School District Board of Education that the District will not be renewing the sharing of the Superintendent and the School Business Official for the 2025-2026 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Jean Schilling, a guest at the meeting from Central Springs Community School District and Central Springs Board President expressed her thanks to the Board for their years of collaboration with the Central Springs District.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the September 9, 2024, regular meeting and the September 25, 2024, special meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank requests, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Rick Wiley moved to approve all consent agenda items. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Open Enrollment (Out): Thomas Akkermann, Averie Gansen, Emma Graves, Urijah Graves
Open Enrollment (In): Kenzie Lunsford, Lexi Maas, Madison Maas
Employee Contracts: Becca Saarie, MS Para; Lisa Marks, HS Para; Alexus Hamilton, MS Para; Sherri Lunning, Wrestling Cheer Sponsor; Hannah Anderson, Freshman Girls Basketball Coach; Karla Faber, Communications Director; Jennifer Jordahl, Elem Para; Marissa Norby, Freshman Softball; Allyson Wilson, Assistant Softball; Keith Walker, Assistant Wrestling; Jason Blaser, Basketball Practice Coach; Randy Broesder, Sub Driver; Lexie Breitsprecher, Elem Para; Jessica Otiz, HS Para
Employee Contract Adjustments: Tiegan Huntley, hours reduction; Mike Johnson, Co-Softball to Head Softball Coach
Employee Resignations: Paraprofessionals - Tara Ross, Amanda Johnson, Felicia Hansen; Lisa Marks
There was no old business. In new business, board policies 507.1, 507.3, 507.4, 507.5, 502.10, and 601.1. David Reese moved to approve the policies as presented, Cody Hennigar seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve an updated print center color copier lease with Access Systems for a five (5) year color printer/copier for $1,012.12 per month. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Kim Severson seconded to hold a public hearing for a flexibility account transfer on November 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the investment of district funds as presented with MBT Bank as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sec’y Meinders presented the recently submitted Annual Transportation Report (ATR) as submitted to the Iowa Department of Education for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Sec’y Meinders presented the 2023-24 Special Education Supplement (SES) as submitted to the Iowa Department of Education along with a request to the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) for allowable growth due to the negative special education balance. Andrew Fedders moved to approve the SBRC request of $377,212.58 in allowable growth as presented. David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sec’y Meinders presented the district’s 2023-24 Annual Financial Health Report along with a summary of the recently submitted Certified Annual Report (CAR) to the Iowa Department of Education. Kim Severson moved to approve the financial health report as presented. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the SBRC for $14,755.62 related to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Allowable Costs for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann presented a resolution to transfer $30,000 in funds from the General Fund to the Activity Fund. Kim Severson moved to approve the proposed resolution, Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
November 11, 2024 meeting topics were discussed. Dave Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Cody Hennigar seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________ Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2024.11.11
Board Minutes - 2024.11.11Regular Meeting
November 11, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on November 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda with movement of items 6.d. regarding the Academic Banquet and 6.b. regarding the athletic conference to the beginning of the meeting prior to administrative reports to honor the time of visitors present at the meeting. Rick Wiley seconded the motion with the proposed changes. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Members from the Forest City Education Foundation Board of Directors presented a request to change the academic banquet criteria. Presenters included Director Liz Taylor, and Board Members Heather Duenow, Scott Meinders and Ray Beebe. Following their presentation and open discussion, Kim Severson moved to table a decision on any changes to the academic banquet eligibility requirements. Andrew Fedders seconded. Ayes: six. Nays: Rick Wiley. Carried and decision was tabled.
President Troy Thompson took a moment to publicly acknowledge the accomplishment of Superintendent Lehmann being announced Superintendent of the Year by School Administrators of Iowa (SAI).
Sup’t Lehmann led discussion in regards to the open invitation from the North Central Conference (NCC) to join their conference effective with the 2026-2027 school year. Activities Directors Chad Moore and Jeff Jerome answered questions. David Reese moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to accept the invitation pending that Garner Hayfield - Ventura and Eagle Grove boards of education also approve moving to the NCC also for the 2026-2027 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary School Principal Brad Jones presented on the recent costume parade, PBIS celebrations, conferences and book fair, Veterans Day, and PBIS majors.
- High School Principal Ken Baker presented about the junior class visiting the NIACC Hanson Center and recent conferences.
- Director of Teaching & Learning, Zach Dillavou presented on developing conversations regarding a portrait of a Forest City learner and artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom.
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the Revenue Estimating Conference (REC), Veterans Day, Iowa Association of School Boards upcoming convention, and facility projects.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the October 14, 2024, regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment (In): Jaxon Smith and Taven Schuver
- Employee Contracts: Tristan Brandsoy, P.E. Assistant; Beth Snyder, Accompanist; Lulu Valadez, Tuition Reimbursement; Hope Steinberger, Freshman Girls Basketball Coach
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Patti Strukel, Asst Girls Basketball Coach; Hannah Anderson, Sophomore Girls Basketball Coach
- Employee Resignations: Paraprofessionals - Jeanne Dick and Madison Carver
- Donations: Boyd Gaming (PBIS); Feed the Farmers; FFA Alumni
There was no old business. In new business, board policies 507.6, 507.7, 507.8, 507.8R1, 507.9, 507.9R1, 508.1, 508.2, 501.9, 501.9R1, 407.1R1FC, and 413.1R1FC. Rick Wiley moved to approve the policies as presented with an exception to policy 501.9R1 to be edited to read, “in excess of two consecutive days” versus the presented version “of two or more consecutive days” in SECTION II of the policy. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Andrew Fedders moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve an addendum to the Contract for Educational Services for Concurrent Enrollment Career Link Programs and Courses for 2024-2025 with the North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann and Sec’y Meinders presented an update on the annual Certified Enrollment for the Department of Education certified on October 15, 2025 showing a decrease in enrollment compared to the previous year of 36.9 student weightings.
Kim Severson moved, Rick Wiley seconded to drop the agenda item to enter into closed session to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i). due to lack of time. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
December 9, 2024 meeting topics were discussed. David Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2024.12.09
Board Minutes - 2024.12.09Regular Meeting December 9, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on December 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: David Reese and Cody Hennigar. Rick Wiley moved to approve the agenda. Beth Clouse seconded the motion with the proposed changes. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Middle School Principal Sarah Leichsenring presented on SAMI action plan updates, math training and curriculum needs, upcoming activities and incoming motivational speaker to the middle school building.
- High School Assistant Principal and Activities Director Chad Moore presented track season planning, NCC invitation and planning, cashless gate feedback, Athletics Hall of Fame nominations, trophy cases in the high school and planning for the Booster Club recognitions.
- Director of Teaching & Learning, Zach Dillavou presented on Iowa Statewide Assessment
- of Student Progress (ISASP) including communication of results and action plans.
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports and a proposed calendar for meetings relating to the 2025-26 budget.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on communications between the Top of Iowa Conference (TIC) and the North Central Conference (NCC), work experience needs and staff sharing.
In old business, Beth Clouse moved, Rick Wiley seconded to remove the Academic Letter criteria from the table. Ayes: 7. Carried. The board discussed the request from the Forest City Foundation Academic to amend the criteria used to determine qualifications for an academic letter at Forest City High School. Andrew Fedders moved, seconded by Rick Wiley to updated the criteria for the Forest City High School Academic Letter to be the following: A high school student must obtain a minimum core GPA of 3.8 for freshman, 3.7 for sophomores, 3.6 for juniors, and 3.6 for seniors and one of following: 98% Attendance, an ACT score of 27+, or be considered advanced in ISASP.
David Reese and Cody Hennigar entered the meeting at 7:57p.m. The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the November 11, 2024 regular meeting and the December 2, 2024 special meeting, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, early graduation request, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Employee Contracts: Brianna Duncan, Paraprofessional; McKenna Espeland and Sydney Olson, Co-Wrestling Cheer Coaches; Michael True, Bowling Coach; Bradley Maass, Evening Custodian; and Teacher Quality Professional Development (TQPD) payments.
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Becca Saarie, Paraprofessional increase in hourly rate.
- Employee Resignations: Sherri Lunning, Wrestling Cheer Coach; Charles Frascht, Bowling Coach;
- Employee Resignations at the end of the 2024-25 school year: Mary Espelien, Paraprofessional; Dan Millard, Director of Maintenance and Operations.
- Donations: Crystal Lake UMC Trustees and Hanson Foundation.
- Early Graduation Request: Kaitlyn Weissenfluh
Rick Wiley moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 8:03 p.m.
Organizational Meeting December 9, 2024
After a quorum was established, the organizational meeting of the Board was called to order by Secretary Meinders at 8:03 p.m. on in the District Office. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Rick Wiley, Troy Thompson, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson.
Troy Thompson moved to approve the agenda. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Secretary Meinders called for nominations for President of the Forest City Community School Board of Directors. Beth Clouse nominated Troy Thompson for President. Nominations ceased. Votes were called by Sec’y Meinders for Board President. All seven votes were cast for Troy Thompson to serve as President. Nays: None. Carried.
President Thompson called for nominations for Vice-President of the Forest City Community School Board of Directors. Rick Wiley nominated Beth Clouse for Vice- President. Nominations ceased. Votes were called by President Thompson for Board Vice-President. All seven votes were cast for Beth Clouse to serve as Vice-President. Nays: None. Carried. Sec’y Meinders administered the oath of office to newly appointed Board President Troy Thompson and Board Vice President Beth Clouse.
In new business, Andrew Fedders moved, Kim Severson seconded to appoint Sara Meinders as the Board Secretary. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. President Troy Thompson administered the oath of office to Secretary Meinders.
David Reese moved, Beth Clouse seconded to hold the regular board meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office at 145 S. Clark Street in Forest City. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved Rick Wiley seconded to appoint the following board members to the 2024 school board committees. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Committee members are as follows:
Certified Staff Salary & Benefits – Troy Thompson, Kim Severson, and Beth Clouse
Classified Staff Salary & Benefits – David Reese and Cody Hennigar
Administrative Salary & Benefits – Troy Thompson and Rick Wiley
Calendar Committee – Beth Clouse, Andrew Fedders, and Cody Hennigar
District Advisory Board – David Reese and Troy Thompson
Education Hall of Fame – Kim Severson, Rick Wiley, and Beth Clouse FundRaising – Troy Thompson
IASB Delegate Assembly – Troy Thompson
Wellness Committee – Beth Clouse
County Compensation Board – David Reese (Hancock), Cody Hennigar (Winnebago), Kim Severson (Worth)
Boman Fine Arts Center – Kim Severson
Employee Benefits Committee – Cody Hennigar, Kim Severson, and Beth Clouse
Athletic Hall of Fame – David Reese
Administrative Hiring Committee – Beth Clouse and Kim Severson
Audit Committee - Troy Thompson
Board policies 600, 601.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3 were reviewed. Rick Wiley moved to approve the policies as presented. David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve the sale of district materials and equipment to I-35 Auctions for a total of $6,309.29. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $161,396 for open enrolled students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the SBRC for $7,356 for English Language Learning Program for students who have exceeded five years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2023 certified enrollment headcount. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed with the Board the plans and specifications for site improvements at the high school which were recently presented by ISG at a special board meeting on December 2, 2024. Kim Severson moved, seconded by David Reese to approve the plans as submitted with an estimated cost of $1,350,000 and with letting of the bids due on January 7, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. to the district office with the school board acting on submitted bids at the January 13, 2025 meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve $398,656 for modified supplemental amount which requires a local match of $132,885 for the 2025-26 At Risk and Dropout Prevention program. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
January 13, 2025 meeting topics were discussed. David Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Under Iowa Code 20.17(3) the board entered into an exempt session to discuss negotiations, strategy meeting of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of arbitration.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2025.01.13
Board Minutes - 2025.01.13Public Hearing January 13, 2025
A public hearing of the Forest City Community School Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Troy Thompson at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: none. The President announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated costs for the Forest City High School Site Improvement construction project. There were no written or oral comments. After discussion, President Thompson declared the hearing closed at 6:31 p.m.
Regular Meeting January 13, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on January 13, 2025, at 6:31 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: None. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda. David Reese seconded the motion with the proposed changes. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports, taxable valuations for the upcoming 2025-26 budget and teacher lane change requests.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the Academic Pod concept we are exploring in the elementary school for grades 3 and 4, updates on facility projects, significant improvement in absenteeism rates, and upcoming strategic planning.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the December 9, 2024 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, early graduation request, job descriptions, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment Out: Kayden Back and Ryker Beck.
- Open Enrollment In: Jude Casey, Natalie Barker, Vada Roberts, and Gabriela Lawson.
- Employee Contracts: Jostin Heimer, middle school paraprofessional; Farrah Olson, work experience coordinator beginning with the 2025-26 school year.
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Elena Koontz, paraprofessional increase in hourly rate.
- Employee Resignations: Pam Krein, middle school paraprofessional.
- Donations: Lifetime Nut Covers to FFA; Body Gaming and Benevity to Elementary PBIS; and the following to student negative lunch accounts: Forest City Card Club, Barb Lovick, Hair Designs, Amy Frakes, and James Wirth.
- Early Graduation Request: Rina Maiava and Landen Patten
- New Job Description: 2.53 Work Experience Coordinator
In old business, the board reviewed the specifications, plans and bids from contractors for the high school site improvement construction project. Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded, to approve the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated total cost for the high school site
improvement construction project. On January 7, 2025, bids were received for the project. A total of seven (7) bids were received with base bids ranging from $981,240 to $1,229,000 and with pricing for four (4) add alternates also being provided. The low bid was submitted by Larson Contracting of Lake Mills, Iowa, with a base bid price of $981,240.00 and an additional $102,351 for all 4 alternates for a total of $1,083,591.00. Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the bid submitted by Larson Contracting along with the approval of all four alternates to be completed with the project. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
The board reviewed the 2025 Legislative Priorities.
In new business, Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the review of the following board policies: 603.1, 603.2, 603.3, 603.4, 603.5, 102, 401.1, 401.6, 501.9,501.9 R1, 710.1 R1, 710.1 E1,
710.1 E2. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
A new sharing agreement between Garner Hayfield-Ventura, North Iowa, and Forest City for the Work Experience Coordinator was presented. Beth Clouse moved, David Reese seconded for its approval with the final dollar amounts to be finalized after staff contact negotiations conclude this spring. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
E-rate bids for category 1 internet services were reviewed. Kim Severson moved, David Reese seconded to approve the bid submitted by Winnebago County Telecom Association (WCTA) for a five year term at a rate of $1,102.00 per month. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
The board will meet next for a work session on the District’s Strategic Plan on January 22, 2025 at 5:30
p.m. February 10, 2025 meeting topics were discussed.
Kim Severson moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to enter into closed session to evaluate the superintendent and school business official pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i). Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The time was 6:59 p.m. At 7:16 p.m. President Thompson declared the closed session complete and returned to open session.
David Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2025.02.10
Board Minutes - 2025.02.10Public Hearing February 10, 2025
A public hearing of the Forest City Community School Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Troy Thompson at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: Rick Wiley. The President announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a public hearing on the 2025-2026 school year calendar. There were no written or oral comments. After discussion, President Thompson declared the hearing closed at 6:31 p.m.
Regular Meeting February 10, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on February 10, 2025, at 6:32 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: Rick Wiley. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda with the movement of item 6.e. regarding marching band and 6.f. regarding curriculum to before Administrative Reports out of respect to those in attendance at the meeting. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal, Brad Jones, presented on winter FAST proficiency, winter celebrations, and learning pods.
- Middle School Principal, Sarah Leichsenring, presented on upcoming conferences, ISASP testing, and student interactions.
- Ass’t Principal/Activity Director, Chad Moore, presented on the speech season, post season basketball and wrestling events, track season plans and an update on the conference transition.
- Director of Teaching and Learning, Zach Dillavou, presented the District’s receipt of the Stem Best Grant, ISASP testing schedules, ACHIEVE family portal, AEA partnerships, and personalized reading plans.
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports, a draft of the 2025-26 budget and a draft of the 2024-25 budget amendment.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the facility plans, and Ragbrai.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the January 13, 2025 regular meeting, January 22, 2025 work session, January 27, 2025 special meeting, and January 29, 2025 committee meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Beth Clouse moved to approve all consent agenda items. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment Out: Keagan Albertson
- Employee Contracts: Evie Nehman, MS Paraprofessional
- Employee Contract Adjustments: David Chapin, Director of Maintenance and Tora Buffington, Food Service Worker
- Employee Resignations: Kent Jorgensen, Assistant Varsity Football Coach
- Donations (to negative lunch accounts): Majorie Anderson, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Kamey Van Wyk via CyberGrants
In old business, the board reviewed the 2025 legislative priorities.
In new business, Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the review of the following board policies: 603.6, 603.7, 603.8, 603.8 R1, 603.9, 603.9 R1, 603.10, 603.11. Ayes: six. Nays: none.
Carried. Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the annual review of board policy
103. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
A new sharing agreement between Forest City and North Iowa Community Schools for School Business Official (SBO) was presented for the 2025-26 fiscal year. David Reese moved, Beth Clouse seconded for its approval with the final dollar amounts to be established after staff contact negotiations conclude this spring. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
The calendar for the 2025-26 school year was presented. Cody Hennigar moved, David Reese seconded for its approval Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The first day of school is scheduled for August 25, 2025 and sets 180 student attendance days with 9 teacher professional development days.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the Worth County Development Authority (WCDA) donation and budget for 2025-2026 as presented for a total of $114,010.38. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Band instructor, Griffin Meaders, presented the desire to seek interest in a high school marching band trip to Chicago to take place in March of 2026 for their annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. David Reese moved, Cody Hennigar seconded for its approval pending there is sufficient interest by band members. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
A purchase for literacy curriculum for grades Pre-K through Grade 4 was presented by Elementary Principal Brad Jones for a grand total of $65,009.20 from Amplify with implementation in August of 2025. Mr. Jones explained the curriculum adoption process and timeline used to select Amplify. Beth Clouse moved, Andrew Fedders seconded for its approval. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed the negotiated agreement with the Forest City Education Association (FCEA). After discussion,Beth Clouse moved to approve the agreement as presented. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. David Reese abstained. Carried.
The board discussed the proposal submitted by Dana Schon Consulting to update the District’s strategic plan. After discussion, David Reese moved and Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the proposal for
$6,500 (Option A) for her support.
Sec’y Meinders reviewed the upcoming requirements for setting the 2025-26 budget and potential 2024-25 budget amendment. David Reese moved Kim Severson seconded to set the following public hearing dates both to be held at the District Office in Forest City, Iowa:
- March 31, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. - Public hearing on the proposed tax rate
- April 14, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. - Public hearing on the 2025-26 Budget and the 2024-25 Budget Amendment
March 3, 2025 meeting topics were discussed. Note this is a change from the regular board schedule which was March 10, 2025 and moved to March 3, 2025 to accommodate spring break week. David
Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2025.03.03
Board Minutes - 2025.03.03Regular Meeting March 3, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on March 3, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda, Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson attended the meeting electronically as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal, Brad Jones, presented on student attendance initiatives, class lists development, departmentalization update, PBIS celebrations, and spring conferences.
- High School Principal, Ken Baker, presented on professional development activities, upcoming Battle as a State of Iowa Regional Finalist for the Golden Owl Award, SAMI work, ISASP testing, and Hancock County Career Fair.
- Director of Teaching and Learning, Zach Dillavou along with 1st grade teacher, Elizabeth Bohl, presented on UFLI reading curriculum and how it’s being used in elementary classrooms to improve fluency and comprehension. Mr. Dillavou also presented about the ACHIEVE family portal which was recently launched, mentor and mentee program goals, focus on eleven distinct teacher traits and portrait of a graduate work.
- Sec’y Meinders presented a summary of the health insurance committee meeting and a draft of the 2025-26 Proposed Tax Statement.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the future meetings with Dana Schoen in regards to an updated strategic plan.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the February 10, 2025 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, an early graduation request, and invoices for payment. After discussion, Rick Wiley moved to approve all consent agenda items. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment In: Kevin Cintron and Jenniel Cintron from Mason City, Cooper Thompson and Weston Thompson from Lake Mills
- Employee Contracts: Jordan Anderson, Paraprofessional
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Jennifer Jordahl, hours adjustment and Caleb Eckels, tuition reimbursement agreement
- Employee Resignations: Steve Staudt, Head Wrestling Coach; Lexie Breitsprecher, Paraprofessional; Michelle Harpestad, Food Service Worker; Sherrie Lunning, Dance Team Coach
- Donations (to negative lunch accounts): United Methodist Church Ruth Circle
- Early Graduation Request: Nora Lowel
In old business, the board reviewed the 2025 legislative priorities.
In new business, Beth Clouse moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to update the working in Board policies
604.3 and 604.4 changing “board” to “district” as indicated. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the review of the following board policies: 604.1, 604.2, 604.3, 604.4, 604.5, 604.6. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, David Reese seconded the approval of an updated lease agreement between Four Oaks Family and Children’s Services and the Forest City Immanuel Lutheran Church for use by the North Iowa Therapeutic Instructional Consortium of which Forest City Schools is the fiscal agent. Ayes: six.
Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson abstained.
Sec’y Meinders presented the financial audit report for fiscal year 2024 as prepared by district auditor TrustPoint, LLC. David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the report as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann presented the updated Comprehensive Master Agreement between the Forest City School District Board of Directors and the Forest City Education Association for 2025-2026 and
2026-2027. Beth Clouse moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the agreement as presented. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. David Reese abstained.
Sup’t Lehmann presented the employee contracts, wages, sub rates, and hiring bases for the 2025-26 fiscal year with an issue date of March 17, 2025 and a return date of April 7, 2025. Kim Severson moved to approve the contracts and wages as presented. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Abstained: David Reese. Carried. Teachers will receive a pool raise of $2,135 per teacher which equals a 4.17% increase. District teacher salary supplement (TSS) amounts have been estimated at this time due to pending legislative action. Upon issuance of the district's allocation of TSS for the 2025-26 fiscal year by the Iowa Department of Management final allocations will be determined. If these allocations increase contract amounts, contract adjustments will be issued to affected teachers on or before the first payment of the 2025-26 contract. Non-certified staff and administrators also receive a 4.17% salary increase. In addition to this recommended rate increase, employees starting their 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 contract will be given an additional 2% increase. Paraeducator wages are also being updated to a minimum wage based upon years of service with incentive calculation changes approved. The hiring base for paraprofessionals is moving to $14.00 for years 1-4, with minimum hourly wages to $15.00 for years 5-9, and $16.00 for years of service 10 or beyond. Employees will be given whichever increase is higher, their hiring base or their current wage increased by 4.17%. Incentive pay such as paraprofessional certification and licenses are being added to these minimums moving forward and not absorbed in the increase.
David Reese moved,Rick Wley seconded to approve an agreement with edkconsulting, LLC to lead the North Central Iowa Education Consortium. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed with the Board the plans and specifications for construction of high school vocal music and locker room improvements. David Reese moved, seconded by Andrew Fedders to approve the plans as submitted with an estimated cost of $894,063.84 with letting of the bids due on Monday, March 31st, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. at the district office. A public hearing on the project will be held on April 14, 2025 at 6:30 p.m with board action to follow during the regular board meeting. Ayes: five. Nays: two (Beth Clouse and Rick Wiley). Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the purchase of two (2) Conventional 77 passenger buses from Hoglund Bus at an amount of $139,899.00 per bus. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
April 14, 2025 meeting topics were discussed. Rick Wiley motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Board Minutes- 2024.07.17
Board Minutes- 2024.07.17Regular Meeting
July 17, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on July 17, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by the President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese,Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Rick Wiley, Troy Thompson, Shelby Korth, and Kim Severson. Kim Severson moved to approve the agenda. Beth Clouse seconded the motion Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson acted as pro tem board secretary as Secretary Meinders was unable to attend.
Administrative Reports:
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information facility updates, the back to school schedule for staff and the Lake Mills wrestling cooperative.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the June 10, 2024 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Beth Clouse moved to approve all consent agenda items. Shelby Korth seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. David Reese abstained.
- Employee Contracts: Hannah Boekelman, Paraprofessional; Jessica Breuklander, Paraprofessional; Dawn Millard, Paraprofessional; Tara Ross, Paraprofessional; Kelli Welp, Middle School Volleyball Coach; Michelle Harpestad, Food Production Worker.
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Dyslexia Iowa reading research training additional pay; teacher quality professional development additional pay; Ryan Faught, extended contract.
- Employee Resignations: Jason Crail, History Club Advisor; Clay Caylor, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach; Patti Strukel, Co-Head/Co-Asst Softball Coach.
In new business, board policies were reviewed:406.4, 409.1, 412.1, 600, 605.4, 606.1, 606.6, 707.5, 710.1, 711.3, 711.4, 711.5, 804.1, 804.2, 200.4, 206.3, 401.6, 402.3, 501.14, 501.15, 603.1, 607.2, 710.1, 803.2, 501.12, 708. David Reese moved to approve the policies as presented, Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve a resolution to temporarily transfer $300,000 from the General Fund to the Management fund via the interfund loan process. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to approve the lease agreement as fiscal agent of the North Iowa Therapeutic Instruction Consortium with Four Oaks Family and Childrens’ Services for the 2024-25 school year. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson abstained.
Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the Consortium Agreement for the North Iowa Therapeutic Instructional Consortium purchasing four (4) seats for the 2024-25 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the a second amendment to the agreement with Four Oaks Family and Children’s Services as the Fiscal Agent for the North Iowa Therapeutic Instrucional Consortium to increase the payment for services. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Shelby Korth seconded to approve a proposal submitted by ISG in the amount of $196,860 for an athletic complex entry upgrade for architectural services. The estimated cost of the project is $1,220,000. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Shelby Korth moved, David Reese seconded to approve a proposal submitted by ISG in the amount of $129,750 for high school choir room and locker room renovations for architectural services. The estimated cost of the project is $758,000. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve Tom Montgomery as Level I Investigator, Ross Eiden as the Level I Alternate Investigator, and Level II Investigator as Steve Hepperly for the 2024-25 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, David Reese seconded to approve Ahlers & Cooney as the District’s legal counsel for 2024-25. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann asked that the depository banks be set as Manufacturer’s Bank and Trust with a
depository limit of $16,000,000. Beth Clouse moved to approve depositories as presented. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Cody Hennigar moved, Rick Wiley seconded for the withdrawal of a management fund certificate of deposit (CD) with a balance of $203,992 and withdrawing $25,000 from the activity fund CD, both which mature in July of 2024. All remaining certificates and funds maturing in July are to be reinvested in CD’s at MBT for an additional 12 months to maximize interest income. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the Summit-Tribune as the Board’s official publication for the 2024-2025 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve the updated and renewing lease agreement with the Forest City YMCA for daycare use. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Shelby Korth seconded to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the North Iowa Community Action Organization’s Head Start Program for the 2024-25 school year. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
August 12, 2024 meeting topics were discussed.
Rick Wiley motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________
Troy Thompson, President Kim Severson, Board Secretary Pro Tem
Board Minutes- 2024.08.12
Board Minutes- 2024.08.12Regular Meeting
August 12, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on August 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by the President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson and Kim Severson. Absent: Rick Wiley. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda. Cody Hennigar seconded the motion Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal Brad Jones, Middle School Principal Sarah Leichsenring and High School Principal Ken Baker provided the board with updates that have been completed in their buildings over the summer. Each administrator acknowledged the hard work by our custodial staff and is thankful for the facility improvements. They also discussed the recent School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) Conference and upcoming professional development goals for staff with the new school year.
- Director of Teaching & Learning, Zach Dillavou, provided the board with the theme for this year's professional development goals, which is INVEST, and explained the meaning behind the theme.
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on facilities, summer food program, and reviewed the beginning of the year schedules.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the July 17, 2024 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts, employee unpaid leave request, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
- Employee Contracts: Amanda Johnson, Paraprofessional; Charles Crail, Paraprofessional; Sara Vogt, Paraprofessional; Sydney Hudspeth, Middle School History Club Advisor; Tammy Larson, Paraprofessional; and MaCoy Yeakel, 9/10 Football Coach.
- Employee Unpaid Leave Request: Tammy Egesdal
In new business, board policies were reviewed:506.1, 506.1 R1, 506.1E1, 506.1E2, 506.1E3, 506.1E4, 506.1E5, 506.1E6, 506.1E7, 506.1E8, 505.2, 501.3, 501.9, 501.9 E1 (rescinded), 501.10 (rescinded), 501.10R1 (rescinded), 502.6, 801.3, & 905.3, and 705.4. For Board Policy 905.3, David Reese moved, Beth Clouse seconded to strike Option 1 from IASB recommendations and proceed with Option 2 as presented. Ayes: four. Nays: none. Kim Severson abstained from voting. Carried. David Reese moved to approve the remaining policies as presented, Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve the John V. Hanson Center Maintenance Agreement with North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC). Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve a Girls Wrestling Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Lake Mills Community School District. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Cody Hennigar moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve the changes made to the Employee Handbook and Business Procedures as presented. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, David Reese seconded to approve the 2024-25 Concurrent Enrollment Contract with North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC). Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Kim Severson moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to approve the 2024-25 Entrepreneurship Academy with North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC). Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese moved, Kim Severson seconded to approve a new services agreement with the Central Rivers Area Education Agency for technology services during the 2024-25 school year as presented. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
The Elementary, Middle School, and High School Handbooks were presented with changes for the 2024-25 school year. David Reese moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to approve the handbooks as presented. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
Beth Clouse moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to approve the resignation of Shelby Korth, Board Member representing District 1 as submitted on August 3, 2024. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried. The Board will be seeking to appoint a new board member to the District 1 position before the August 31, 2024 deadline.
September 9, 2024 meeting topics were discussed. Kim Severson motioned to enter into closed session to evaluate the board secretary pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i). Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried. The time was 8:20 p.m. At 8:26 p.m, Kim Severson motioned, seconded by Cody Hennigar, to return to regular session. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
David Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________ Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Special Board Meeting Minutes - 2024.08.29
Special Board Meeting Minutes - 2024.08.29The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a special meeting on August 29, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, and Kim Severson. Absent: Cody Hennigar and Rick Wiley. David Reese attended the meeting via phone as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise. Per request, discussion item 3.b. “Public Comment” was added to the agenda. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda as corrected. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: four. Nays: none. Carried.
Members discussed the appointment of a new board member to the open District 1 position. Secretary Meinders acknowledged that public notice was published on 8/13/24 in the Forest City Summit notifying patrons of the School Board opening eligible electors had 14 days to submit a petition requiring the vacancy be filled by special election. No petitions were received. Two eligible candidates had submitted their interest in the open position, Brittany Frerichs and Andrew Fedders. Beth Clouse moved, Kim Severson seconded to appoint Andrew Fedders to the District 1 vacant school board seat. Ayes: four. Carried.
Rob Hillesland, patron, addressed the board regarding a cashless gate system for school events.
Kim Severson motioned to adjourn the public hearings. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: four. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:26 p.m.
Special Board Meeting Minutes - 2025.01.27
Special Board Meeting Minutes - 2025.01.27Special Meeting
January 27, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a special meeting on January 27, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: David Reese. Rick Wiley moved to approve the agenda. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. Secretary Sara Meinders attended the meeting electronically as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise.
Beth Clouse motioned, seconded by Rick Wiley to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a) —To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential and Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e)—To conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. Roll call vote: Henniger - Aye; Clouse - Aye; Thompson - Aye; Wiley - Aye; Fedders - Aye; Severson - Aye. The motion passed with 6 voting in favor and 0 votes against. The time was 4:05 p.m.
At 5:05 p.m, Rick Wiley motioned, Andrew Fedders seconded to return to open session. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, seconded by Andrew Fedders, that the Board accept the superintendent’s recommendation that the student who was subject of the disciplinary hearing be expelled from attendance in the Forest City Community School District and any school activities until the end of the first semester of the 2025-26 school year in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the Board and shall be allowed the educational resources and options during the expulsion period as recommended by the administration. That upon completion of the expulsion period, an application for re-admission must be submitted and approved by the administration with a recommendation to the Board prior to re-admission; and that written findings and conclusions consistent with the Board's deliberations will be prepared and the President is authorized and directed to execute the Findings and Fact and Conclusion. Roll call vote: Henniger - Aye; Clouse - Aye; Thompson - Aye; Wiley - Aye; Fedders - Aye; Severson - Aye. The motion passed with 6 voting in favor and 0 votes against.
Andrew Fedders motioned to adjourn the special meeting. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:09 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Special Board Meeting Minutes 2024.12.02
Special Board Meeting Minutes 2024.12.02Special Meeting
December 2, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a special meeting on December 2, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by Secretary Sara Meinders. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Kim Severson moved to approve the agenda as presented. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried. Troy Thompson entered the meeting at 12:01 p.m. Beth Clouse entered the meeting at 12:04 p.m. and attended electronically as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise.
Erik Pingel with ISG presented to the board an overview of three potential facility projects: High School Site Improvements, Locker Room Renovations, and Choir Area. Pingel explained each project in detail with updated estimates and schedules for bidding and completion.
David Reese motioned to approve the quote submitted by C.H. McGuiness to purchase a new hot water boiler system for the amount of $27,780.00. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: 7. Carried.
David Reese motioned to adjourn the special meeting. Cody Hennigar seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
_______________________ _____________________________
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Special Board Meeting Work Session - 2024.09.25
Special Board Meeting Work Session - 2024.09.25Work Session September 25, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a work session on September 25, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, and Kim Severson. Absent: Andrew Fedders and Rick Wiley. David Reese moved to approve the agenda, Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried. Activities Director Chad Moore and Assistant Activities Director Jeff Jerome shared information with the board in regards to an invitation from the North Central Conference (NCC). Moore and Jerome shared that the goal is to explore and consider possible realignment scenarios that would benefit the district and our students. Open discussion was encouraged and entertained. Kim Severson motioned to adjourn, Cody Hennigar seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 1:19 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President
Sara Meinders, Board Secretary
Special Board Meeting Work Session - 2025.01.22
Special Board Meeting Work Session - 2025.01.22Work Session January 22, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a work session on January 22, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, and Andrew Fedders.
Absent: Kim Severson. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Dana Schoon, Professional Learning Director from the School Administrators of Iowa (SAI), presented to the Board on the importance of an updated district strategic plan. The Board, along with Dana’s expertise, discussed the crucial parts of a strategic plan to be developed along with a timeline and process needed to develop a meaningful and useful plan.
Cody Hennigar motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Andy Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary