Board Minutes - 2025.02.10
Board Minutes - 2025.02.10Public Hearing February 10, 2025
A public hearing of the Forest City Community School Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Troy Thompson at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: Rick Wiley. The President announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a public hearing on the 2025-2026 school year calendar. There were no written or oral comments. After discussion, President Thompson declared the hearing closed at 6:31 p.m.
Regular Meeting February 10, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on February 10, 2025, at 6:32 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Absent: Rick Wiley. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda with the movement of item 6.e. regarding marching band and 6.f. regarding curriculum to before Administrative Reports out of respect to those in attendance at the meeting. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal, Brad Jones, presented on winter FAST proficiency, winter celebrations, and learning pods.
- Middle School Principal, Sarah Leichsenring, presented on upcoming conferences, ISASP testing, and student interactions.
- Ass’t Principal/Activity Director, Chad Moore, presented on the speech season, post season basketball and wrestling events, track season plans and an update on the conference transition.
- Director of Teaching and Learning, Zach Dillavou, presented the District’s receipt of the Stem Best Grant, ISASP testing schedules, ACHIEVE family portal, AEA partnerships, and personalized reading plans.
- Sec’y Meinders presented the monthly financial reports, a draft of the 2025-26 budget and a draft of the 2024-25 budget amendment.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the facility plans, and Ragbrai.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the January 13, 2025 regular meeting, January 22, 2025 work session, January 27, 2025 special meeting, and January 29, 2025 committee meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, financial statements, and bills for payment. After discussion, Beth Clouse moved to approve all consent agenda items. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment Out: Keagan Albertson
- Employee Contracts: Evie Nehman, MS Paraprofessional
- Employee Contract Adjustments: David Chapin, Director of Maintenance and Tora Buffington, Food Service Worker
- Employee Resignations: Kent Jorgensen, Assistant Varsity Football Coach
- Donations (to negative lunch accounts): Majorie Anderson, Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Kamey Van Wyk via CyberGrants
In old business, the board reviewed the 2025 legislative priorities.
In new business, Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the review of the following board policies: 603.6, 603.7, 603.8, 603.8 R1, 603.9, 603.9 R1, 603.10, 603.11. Ayes: six. Nays: none.
Carried. Kim Severson moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the annual review of board policy
103. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
A new sharing agreement between Forest City and North Iowa Community Schools for School Business Official (SBO) was presented for the 2025-26 fiscal year. David Reese moved, Beth Clouse seconded for its approval with the final dollar amounts to be established after staff contact negotiations conclude this spring. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
The calendar for the 2025-26 school year was presented. Cody Hennigar moved, David Reese seconded for its approval Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The first day of school is scheduled for August 25, 2025 and sets 180 student attendance days with 9 teacher professional development days.
Kim Severson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the Worth County Development Authority (WCDA) donation and budget for 2025-2026 as presented for a total of $114,010.38. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Band instructor, Griffin Meaders, presented the desire to seek interest in a high school marching band trip to Chicago to take place in March of 2026 for their annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. David Reese moved, Cody Hennigar seconded for its approval pending there is sufficient interest by band members. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
A purchase for literacy curriculum for grades Pre-K through Grade 4 was presented by Elementary Principal Brad Jones for a grand total of $65,009.20 from Amplify with implementation in August of 2025. Mr. Jones explained the curriculum adoption process and timeline used to select Amplify. Beth Clouse moved, Andrew Fedders seconded for its approval. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed the negotiated agreement with the Forest City Education Association (FCEA). After discussion,Beth Clouse moved to approve the agreement as presented. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: five. Nays: none. David Reese abstained. Carried.
The board discussed the proposal submitted by Dana Schon Consulting to update the District’s strategic plan. After discussion, David Reese moved and Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the proposal for
$6,500 (Option A) for her support.
Sec’y Meinders reviewed the upcoming requirements for setting the 2025-26 budget and potential 2024-25 budget amendment. David Reese moved Kim Severson seconded to set the following public hearing dates both to be held at the District Office in Forest City, Iowa:
- March 31, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. - Public hearing on the proposed tax rate
- April 14, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. - Public hearing on the 2025-26 Budget and the 2024-25 Budget Amendment
March 3, 2025 meeting topics were discussed. Note this is a change from the regular board schedule which was March 10, 2025 and moved to March 3, 2025 to accommodate spring break week. David
Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary