Board Agenda - 2025.03.03

Board Agenda - 2025.03.03


TIME/DATE: Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:30 p.m. 

LOCATION: District Office, 145 South Clark Street, Forest City

Board of Education: Troy Thompson (President) Beth Clouse (Vice President), Cody Hennigar, David Reese, Kim Severson,  Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders 

Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Sara Meinders 




  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Additions To and Approval of Agenda
  3. Administrative Reports (I)
    1. Board President Report and Comments
    2. Administrative Reports
    3. Secretary/Treasurer Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
  4. Consent Agenda (D.R.)
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Open Enrollment
    3. Personnel
      1. Employee Contracts
      2. Employee Contract Adjustments
      3. Employee Resignations
      4. Employee Unpaid Leave Requests
      5. Donations
      6. Teacher Unpaid Leave Request
      7. Sick Leave Bank Request
      8. Early Graduation Request
    4. Approve Bills
  5. Old Business
    1. Legislative Update  (I)
  6. New Business
    1. Board Policy Review (D.R.)
    2. Four Oaks Lease Agreement for 2025-26 (D.R)
    3. Financial Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2024 (D.R.)
    4. Comprehensive Master Agreement with Forest City Education Association for 2025-26 and 2026-27 (D.R.)
    5. Approve 2025-26 Contracts and Set Issue Date and Return Date (D.R.)
    6. EDK Consulting Contract (D.R.)
    7. Construction of High School Vocal Music and Locker Room Improvements - Tentative Approval of Plans and Specs, Authorize Letting of Bids and Setting of Public Hearing for April 14, 2025. (D.R.)
    8. Purchase of Two (2) Conventional 77 Passenger Buses (D.R.)
  7. Suggestions for the April 14, 2025, Board Meeting
  8. Adjourn

(I)=Informational                        (D.R.)=Decision Required

kfaber@forestc… Fri, 02/28/2025 - 10:03