Board Minutes - 2025.03.03
Board Minutes - 2025.03.03Regular Meeting March 3, 2025
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on March 3, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by President Troy Thompson. Members present: David Reese, Cody Hennigar, Beth Clouse, Troy Thompson, Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders, and Kim Severson. Beth Clouse moved to approve the agenda, Andrew Fedders seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson attended the meeting electronically as it was inconvenient to do so otherwise.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal, Brad Jones, presented on student attendance initiatives, class lists development, departmentalization update, PBIS celebrations, and spring conferences.
- High School Principal, Ken Baker, presented on professional development activities, upcoming Battle as a State of Iowa Regional Finalist for the Golden Owl Award, SAMI work, ISASP testing, and Hancock County Career Fair.
- Director of Teaching and Learning, Zach Dillavou along with 1st grade teacher, Elizabeth Bohl, presented on UFLI reading curriculum and how it’s being used in elementary classrooms to improve fluency and comprehension. Mr. Dillavou also presented about the ACHIEVE family portal which was recently launched, mentor and mentee program goals, focus on eleven distinct teacher traits and portrait of a graduate work.
- Sec’y Meinders presented a summary of the health insurance committee meeting and a draft of the 2025-26 Proposed Tax Statement.
- Sup’t Lehmann provided information on the future meetings with Dana Schoen in regards to an updated strategic plan.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the February 10, 2025 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts and contract adjustments, employee resignations, donations, sick leave bank request, an early graduation request, and invoices for payment. After discussion, Rick Wiley moved to approve all consent agenda items. Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Open Enrollment In: Kevin Cintron and Jenniel Cintron from Mason City, Cooper Thompson and Weston Thompson from Lake Mills
- Employee Contracts: Jordan Anderson, Paraprofessional
- Employee Contract Adjustments: Jennifer Jordahl, hours adjustment and Caleb Eckels, tuition reimbursement agreement
- Employee Resignations: Steve Staudt, Head Wrestling Coach; Lexie Breitsprecher, Paraprofessional; Michelle Harpestad, Food Service Worker; Sherrie Lunning, Dance Team Coach
- Donations (to negative lunch accounts): United Methodist Church Ruth Circle
- Early Graduation Request: Nora Lowel
In old business, the board reviewed the 2025 legislative priorities.
In new business, Beth Clouse moved, Cody Hennigar seconded to update the working in Board policies
604.3 and 604.4 changing “board” to “district” as indicated. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the review of the following board policies: 604.1, 604.2, 604.3, 604.4, 604.5, 604.6. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, David Reese seconded the approval of an updated lease agreement between Four Oaks Family and Children’s Services and the Forest City Immanuel Lutheran Church for use by the North Iowa Therapeutic Instructional Consortium of which Forest City Schools is the fiscal agent. Ayes: six.
Nays: none. Carried. Kim Severson abstained.
Sec’y Meinders presented the financial audit report for fiscal year 2024 as prepared by district auditor TrustPoint, LLC. David Reese moved, Rick Wiley seconded to approve the report as presented. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann presented the updated Comprehensive Master Agreement between the Forest City School District Board of Directors and the Forest City Education Association for 2025-2026 and
2026-2027. Beth Clouse moved, Andrew Fedders seconded to approve the agreement as presented. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. David Reese abstained.
Sup’t Lehmann presented the employee contracts, wages, sub rates, and hiring bases for the 2025-26 fiscal year with an issue date of March 17, 2025 and a return date of April 7, 2025. Kim Severson moved to approve the contracts and wages as presented. Rick Wiley seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Abstained: David Reese. Carried. Teachers will receive a pool raise of $2,135 per teacher which equals a 4.17% increase. District teacher salary supplement (TSS) amounts have been estimated at this time due to pending legislative action. Upon issuance of the district's allocation of TSS for the 2025-26 fiscal year by the Iowa Department of Management final allocations will be determined. If these allocations increase contract amounts, contract adjustments will be issued to affected teachers on or before the first payment of the 2025-26 contract. Non-certified staff and administrators also receive a 4.17% salary increase. In addition to this recommended rate increase, employees starting their 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 contract will be given an additional 2% increase. Paraeducator wages are also being updated to a minimum wage based upon years of service with incentive calculation changes approved. The hiring base for paraprofessionals is moving to $14.00 for years 1-4, with minimum hourly wages to $15.00 for years 5-9, and $16.00 for years of service 10 or beyond. Employees will be given whichever increase is higher, their hiring base or their current wage increased by 4.17%. Incentive pay such as paraprofessional certification and licenses are being added to these minimums moving forward and not absorbed in the increase.
David Reese moved,Rick Wley seconded to approve an agreement with edkconsulting, LLC to lead the North Central Iowa Education Consortium. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed with the Board the plans and specifications for construction of high school vocal music and locker room improvements. David Reese moved, seconded by Andrew Fedders to approve the plans as submitted with an estimated cost of $894,063.84 with letting of the bids due on Monday, March 31st, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. at the district office. A public hearing on the project will be held on April 14, 2025 at 6:30 p.m with board action to follow during the regular board meeting. Ayes: five. Nays: two (Beth Clouse and Rick Wiley). Carried.
Rick Wiley moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve the purchase of two (2) Conventional 77 passenger buses from Hoglund Bus at an amount of $139,899.00 per bus. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
April 14, 2025 meeting topics were discussed. Rick Wiley motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. David Reese seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Troy Thompson, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary