101.FC - Mission Statement
101.FC - Mission StatementOur mission statement reaffirms the purpose of the school district and makes a statement of beliefs about the relationship between the school and the learners.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The Forest City Community School is committed to providing each student the opportunity for a 21st century education.
VISION STATEMENT: The Forest City Community School District will challenge children of all abilities to achieve excellence in a wide range of academics, arts, athletics and activities.
CORE VALUES: Collaboration in the context of each part's role in the education of all our students respect for a diversity of ideas and people (open-mindedness and creativity) Honest discussions based on data and perceptions. Leadership, commitment, and follow-through to accomplish our vision and mission.
Mutual trust, Stewardship of the public's resources and Excellence in all we do.
ESSENTIAL LEARNER OUTCOMES: The following infusion areas will be a part of our curriculum in all subject areas:
- Communication Skills
- Learning/Study Skills
- Technology Skills
- Higher Order Thinking Skills
- Multicultural Gender Fair Skills
- Global Skills
- Career Skills
Approved: 2-8-88
Reviewed: 8-9-21
Revised: 3-8-21