Agenda - 2022.11.14




5:45 p.m. Work Session @ Middle School - Computer Science and Esports Presentation


TIME/DATE: November 14, 2022, 6:30 p.m. 


LOCATION: District Office, 145 South Clark Street, Forest City


Board of Education: Gary Ludwig (President) Keila Buffington (Vice President), Beth Clouse, Eric Kingland, David Reese, Kim Severson, Troy Thompson

Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Sara Meinders 





  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Additions To and Approval of Agenda
  3. Administrative Reports (I)
    1. Board President Report and Comments
    2. Administrative Reports
    3. Superintendent’s Report
  4. Consent Agenda (D.R.)
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. October 10, 2022
    2. Open Enrollment
    3. Personnel
      1. Employee Contracts
      2. Employee Contract Adjustments
      3. Employee Resignations
      4. Employee Unpaid Leave Request
      5. Donations
      6. Sick Leave Bank Request
      7. Early Graduation Request
      8. Request(s) for Resignation and Early Retirement at the end of the 2022-23 School Year
      9. Student Discipline Agreement
    4. Approve Financial Statements
    5. Approve Bills
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
    1. Board Policy Review (D.R.)
    2. Shared Social Worker Agreement (D.R.)
    3. SBRC Allowable Growth Request for Limited English Proficient Allowable Cost (D.R.)
    4. SBRC Allowable Growth Request for Open Enrollment Out Not On Prior Year’s Headcount (D.R.)
    5. SBRC Allowable Growth Request - Limited English Proficient Instruction Beyond 5 Years (D.R.)
    6. Redistricting Following the Census (I)
  7. Suggestions for the December 12, 2022 Board Meeting



Exempt Session:  The Forest City CSD Board of Education will go into an exempt session to set up strategy for the negotiation process with the Forest City Education Association according to Iowa Code 20.17(3).


(I)=Informational                        (D.R.)=Decision Required