Board Agenda - 2025.01.13



TIME/DATE: Monday, January 13, 2025, 6:30 p.m. 

Public Hearing for Middle School/High School Site Improvement Plan, followed by the regular meeting

LOCATION: District Office, 145 South Clark Street, Forest City

Board of Education: Troy Thompson (President) Beth Clouse (Vice President), Cody Hennigar, David Reese, Kim Severson,  Rick Wiley, Andrew Fedders 

Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Sara Meinders 



Notice of Public Hearing for Middle School/High School Site Improvement Plan

  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Additions To and Approval of Agenda
  3. Administrative Reports (I)
    1. Board President Report and Comments
    2. Administrative Reports
    3. Secretary/Treasurer Report
    4. Superintendent’s Report
  4. Consent Agenda (D.R.)
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Open Enrollment
    3. Personnel
      1. Employee Contracts
      2. Employee Contract Adjustments
      3. Employee Resignations
      4. Employee Unpaid Leave Requests
      5. Donations
      6. Teacher Unpaid Leave Request
      7. Sick Leave Bank Request
      8. Early Graduation Request
      9. Job Description
    4. Approve Financial Statements
    5. Approve Bills
  5. Old Business
    1. Adopt plans, specs, form of contract and estimated total cost of construction for middle school/high school site improvement. (D.R.)
    2. Board approves contract for middle school/high school site improvement plan (D.R.)
    3. 2025 Legislative Priorities (I)
  6. New Business
    1. Board Policy Review (D.R.)
    2. Sharing Agreement for Work Experience Coordinator (D.R.)
    3. E-rate Bids for Category 1 for Internet Service (D.R.)
  7. Suggestions for the February 10, 2025, Board Meeting

Closed Session:  The Forest City CSD Board of Education will go into closed session to evaluate the superintendent and school business official pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i).     


(I)=Informational                        (D.R.)=Decision Required