Regular Meeting
August 9, 2021
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on August 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order by the President, Dave Bartlett.
Members present: Pat Hobbs, Eric Kingland, Cindy Carter, Dave Bartlett, Gary Ludwig, Keila Buffington and Kim Severson. Absent: None.
Keila Buffington moved to approve the agenda. Cindy Carter seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
- Elementary Principal, Brad Jones, reported on the new playground construction, new teachers, and areas of focus for the 2021-22 school year.
- High School Principal, Ken Baker, reported on fall sports and COVID-19 mitigations, homecoming week which will be September 6-11th, new permanent classroom in the HS IMC, and a review of new faculty and staff.
- Technology Integrationist, Mike Van Oort, reported on new teacher inservice, new family registration, parent teacher conferences and an update from the technology department.
- Middle School Principal, Zach Dillavou, reported on building updates which included updates to the middle school gymnasium and new partitions in the restrooms, new staff, and the professional development plans for the 2021-22 school year.
- Board President, Dave Bartlett, reported to the on his recent building tours reporting that the buildings and grounds look great and ready for the school year.
- Sup’t Lehmann presented to the board to on the beginning of the year schedule, update on summer projects, Return to Learn Plans, Iowa Department of Public Health Guidance, and the solar project.
Sup’t Lehmann reviewed the following consent agenda items: minutes of the July 12, 2021 regular meeting, open enrollments, employee contracts, employee resignations, and donations. After discussion, Kim Severson moved to approve all consent agenda items. Cindy Carter seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
- Employee Contracts: Tom Pauley, ½ year middle school English teacher; Shari Rosacker, middle school assistant; Merriya Ruiter, alternative classroom teacher and 0.5 yearbook advisor; Mark Jenkins, 0.5 yearbook advisor; Dawn Plessel, food service worker.
- Employee Resignations: Todd Espland, High School Football; Kris Anderson, Assistant; Skylar Wood, Custodian.
Nothing reported under Old Business.
Under new business, Board Policies 100, 101, 101.1FC, 102, 102.E1, 102.E2, 102.E3, 102.E4, 102.E5, 102.E6, 200.3, 206.1, 206.2, 213, 213.1, 302.5, 303.6, 404.14, 412.3, 501.14, 501.15, 504.3, 502.3,502.3R1,505.5,603.6,604.1,606.2,701.2,711.2,711.2R2,803.1, 804.6, 804.6R1, 905.3 were reviewed. Gary Ludwig moved to approve the policies as presented, Pat Hobbs seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. Polies 401.14, 502.3R1, 804.6, 804.6R1, and 905.3 will require a second reading and approval as they are new.
Building and Employee Handbooks for the 2021-2022 were presented to the Board for review. Pat Hobbs moved to approve the handbooks as presented. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann presented a resolution to transfer $50,000 in funds from the General Fund to the Activity Fund. Cindy Carter moved to approve the proposed resolution, Keila Buffington seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
After reviewing the monthly financial statements. Keila Buffington moved to approve the following statements as presented. Kim Severson seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
After reviewing the monthly bills, Gary Ludwig moved to approve the following for payment as presented. Pat Hobbs seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried.
Board members discussed wanting to tour the facilities prior to the September meeting.
Cindy Carter motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Keila Buffington seconded the motion. Ayes: seven. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
_________________________ __________________________
Dave Bartlett, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary