Regular Meeting
November 13, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Forest City Community School District met for a regular meeting on November 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, Forest City, Iowa.
After a quorum was established the meeting was called to order President Gary Ludwig. Members present: David Reese, Eric Kingland, Beth Clouse, Gary Ludwig, Troy Thompson, and Keila Buffington. Absent: Kim Severson. Keila Buffington moved to approve the agenda. Troy Thompson seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Administrative Reports:
High School Principal, Ken Baker, presented on Waldorf and NIACC spring semester registration, May term development, teacher professional development, and recent parent teacher conferences.
Director of Teaching and Learning, Zach Dillavou, presented on student attendance initiative, teacher professional development, portrait of a graduate, and mentor/mentee focus.
Sec’y Meinders presented to the board information in regards to supplementary weightings, budget changes, upcoming deadlines, and a summary of the monthly financial statements.
Sup’t Lehmann provided information about Forest City Community Partnership Awards Luncheon, Dec. 12 IASB regional workshop, IASB Convention, University of Iowa Foundation thank you, Veterans Day program, radon building testing, and solar updates.
The following consent agenda items were reviewed: minutes of the October 9, 2023 regular meeting, sick leave bank request and the following:
Open Enrollment (In): Miley Gomez
Open Enrollment (Out): Faith Minica, Ian Thompson
Employee Contracts: Hannah Vaughan, High School Volleyball Practice Coach; Liz Thompson, Assistant Speech Coach; Kenna Espeland, Wrestling Cheer Sponsor; Lydia Thompson, K-12 ELL Teacher (August 2024); Tara Larson, Vocal Music Accompanist
Employee Contract Adjustments: Mike True (hours adjustment)
Employee Resignation: Jeanette Neuman, Bus Driver
Donations: CAF $64.02, Landus $750, WCDA $200,000
Early Graduation Requests: Megan Callow and Peyton Arispe
After discussion, Troy Thompson moved to approve all consent agenda items, Beth Clouse seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
There was no old business. In new business, board policies were reviewed: Troy Thompson moved, Keila Buffington seconded to table approval of 501.1, 501.2, 501.3, 501.4, 501.5, 501.6, 501.7, 501.8, 501.9, 501.9E1 until the 2nd reading and approval of new policy 503.8. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. Keila Buffington moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve policy changes to 401.1, 503.8, 701.5R1, 802.4, 904.1. Ayes: six. Carried. First reading of new policy 503.8 was read. Troy Thompson moved, Eric Kingland seconded to approve the first reading. Ayes: six. Carried.
Mr. Dan Rosacker, Director of the John V. Hanson Career Center, provided an update on the student numbers and programs available to Forest City students this year along with program updates.
Beth Clouse moved, David Reese seconded to approve a sharing agreement with Central Springs CSD for Human Resources. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann provided an update on the recently certified enrollment numbers for the annual student count.
Troy Thompson moved, Beth Clouse seconded to approve a NIACC Concurrent Enrollment Class Addition of Health Academy. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried.
Sup’t Lehmann provided the unofficial results of the recent School Board Election.
December 11, 2023 meeting topics were discussed.
David Reese motioned to adjourn the regular meeting. Eric Kingland seconded the motion. Ayes: six. Nays: none. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Gary Ludwig, President Sara Meinders, Board Secretary